Ver fotos/See picturesUn Texto Virtual como lugar de incompletud. Texto en tiempo real, pero desmembrado por la virtualidad de coordenadas espacio-temporales efímeras, evanescentes, hipertextuales.
Y el Cuerpo. Un cuerpo construido. Un paradigma indefinido. Antiparadigma. A través del icono de un cuerpo virtual -cuerpo hiperbólico: andrógino, a-racial, a-temporal-, el usuario podrá ingresar a un contexto de participación y creación virtual. Esta superficie corporal -metáfora de una piel mediada por un mouse- es en donde el contacto se hace posible, permitiéndonos entrar a un espacio de circulación y de creación de textos.
A Virtual Text as a place of incompleteness. Text in real time, but dismembered by the virtuality of ephemeral, evanescent, hypertextual space-time coordinates.
And the Body. A constructed body. An undefined paradigm. Antiparadigm. Through the icon of a virtual body -hyperbolic body: androgynous, a-racial, a-temporal-, the user will be able to enter a context of participation and virtual creation. This body surface -metaphor of a skin mediated by a mouse- is where contact becomes possible, allowing us to enter a space of circulation and creation of texts.
- ISEA 2000 , Forum des Images, Paris, France.
- “Interferences” Festival, CICV, Montbeliard, France, 2000.
- “Buenos Aires Video XXII” – Spanish Cooperation Institute- Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2000.
- Selección Premio Banco Nación Prize/ Finalist Banco Nación Award, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2000.
- Mención Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales/ Honorific Mention Visual Arts National Award, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2000
- “LinkAge-Online and Offline Art” Exhibition, Cajastur, Gijón, Spain, 2000
- “MAD2001”- New Tendencies and New Technologies Exhibition, Madrid, Spain
- “VideoBrasil” Festival, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2001
- “Electronic Bodies” Exhibition, Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2001
- “File_2001” Festival, Museum of Image and Sound, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- “File 2001” Exhibition- Film Archive of Curitiba, Curitiba, Brazil
- Finalist of the “Suquía Bank” Award, Spanish Cooperation Institute, Córdoba, Argentina, 2001
- “ArtMedia” Exhibition, Maimónides University, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2001
- “Digital Meeting” Exhibition, San Martín Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2001
- “Artificial Nature” Exhibition, “La Casona de los Olivera” Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Biennial of Art, Cuenca, Ecuador, 2001
- “ABC” Exhibition- “Habana” Gallery, Havana, Cuba, 2001
- “Maid in the Cyberspace”- Studio XX- Montreal- Canada, 2002
- The Art Happens Here: Net Art’s Archival Poetics, Rhizome, 2019, ISBN 978-0692173084
- “Planetary Atoll: Connecting Latin American Dots”, Rosa Gallery, Berlin, 2022.